Education Endowment Foundation:Projects


How we develop, evaluate, and scale up programmes and approaches to boost learning.

We fund projects and evaluations of high-potential teaching and learning approaches, to help build the evidence-base of ​‘what works’ for schools, colleges, and early years settings in England. 

What types of projects and evaluations do we fund?

We support projects at different stages of their development, from those that are being developed and piloted, to those that have shown a positive impact on children and young people’s outcomes and are being tested at a larger scale. We also subsidise programmes that – through previous large EEF trials – have been found to have a positive impact, so that more settings can access them. 

Everything we fund aims to raise the attainment of children and young people, particularly those from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

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Explore all of our funded projects, including those that have reported findings, and filter by subject, and education phase.
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Apply for funding

Find out about current opportunities and get answers to frequently asked questions about applying for EEF funding.
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Resources and information for evaluators, including on designing, setting up, implementing and reporting on randomised controlled trials in schools, colleges, and early years settings.