First Edition


School Phases

Secondary, Primary

Evidence suggests the use of ​‘metacognitive strategies’ – which get pupils to think about their own learning – can be worth the equivalent of an additional +7 months’ progress when used well. However, while the potential impact of these approaches is very high, particularly for disadvantaged pupils, less is known about how to apply them effectively in the classroom.

This guidance report reviews the best available research to offer teachers and senior leaders practical advice on how to develop their pupils’ metacognitive skills and knowledge. The report has recommendations in seven areas and ​‘myth busts’ common misconceptions teachers have about metacognition.

For example, some teachers think they need to teach metacognitive approaches in ​‘learning to learn’ or ​‘thinking skills’ sessions. But the report warns that metacognitive strategies should be taught in conjunction with specific subject content as pupils find it hard to transfer these generic tips to specific tasks.

External link

Metacognition – A brief explainer

This animation aims to cut through the complexity that surrounds metacognition by providing a clear example of what it looks like in practice. It could be used to start colleague conversations, build staff knowledge when designing and delivering Effective Professional Development on metacognition.
Read more about external link Metacognition - A brief explainer

Metacognition and self-regulation

Review of the evidence commissioned by the EEF to inform the Metacognition and Self-regulated Learning guidance report