Guidance Reports
Effective Professional Development
Promote, deliver, and design high-quality learning opportunities.
Guidance Reports
Putting Evidence to Work – A School’s Guide to Implementation
Prepare, deliver, and sustain new approaches and practices.
Evidence and resources
The EEF Guide to the Pupil Premium
Plan, monitor, and implement an effective strategy.
Evidence and resources
Supporting attendance
Build, communicate, and deliver an attendance strategy.
Support for education professionals
Making a Difference with Effective Tutoring
Make a difference with high-quality tutoring.
Teaching and Learning Toolkit
Explore our summaries of the best available evidence on different topics for teaching and learning.
Get involved
Recruiting projects
We’re recruiting education settings in England to take part in trials of high-potential programmes.
Support for education professionals
Research Schools Network
Championing evidence use in your region.
Evidence and resources
Teacher quality, recruitment and retention
Literature review on teacher quality in disadvantaged schools
Support for education professionals
Using research evidence
Understand, identify, and examine research evidence.
New EEF podcast: evidence informed leadership
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