Education Endowment Foundation:Using the Toolkits

Using the Toolkits

Guide to using our Teaching and Learning Toolkit and its Early Years companion

The Toolkits are designed to support teachers and school leaders who are making decisions about how to improve learning outcomes.

The Toolkits are based on real life data about what has happened when particular approaches have been used in schools before.

The Toolkits do not make definitive claims as to what will work to improve outcomes in a given school. Rather they provide high quality information about what is likely to be beneficial based on existing evidence – ​‘best bets’ for what might work in your own context.

Because the Toolkits do not provide definitive answers, they should not be used in isolation. Your professional judgement and expertise is also needed to move from the information in the Toolkit to an evidence-informed decision about what will work best in your school.

Teaching and Learning Toolkit
Early Years Toolkit

Download the guide below for advice on getting the most out of the Toolkits.

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