Education Endowment Foundation:New episode of ​‘Evidence into Action’ – ​‘Exploring the complexities of reading comprehension’

New episode of ​‘Evidence into Action’ – ​‘Exploring the complexities of reading comprehension’

This episode of the ​‘Evidence into Action’ podcast, explores the complexities of reading comprehension.

Today, the EEF has published the latest episode of our ​‘Evidence into Action’ podcast, ​‘Exploring the complexities of reading comprehension’.

Podcast •1 minute •

Regular host Alex Quigley is joined by Caroline Bilton, assistant headteacher at Cragside primary school and the EEF’s literacy specialist, to discuss teaching reading comprehension with our expert panel: 

  • Professor Kate Nation, experimental psychologist and expert on language and literacy development in school children, explains the process of learning to comprehend text; (Start – 19:43);
  • Hydeh Fayez, Year 5 teacher and evidence lead in education, highlights the importance of exposing children to high-quality texts; (19:48 – 31:41); and
  • Stella Jones, Director of Teaching and Learning at Town End Associate Research School, describes her school’s approach to improving pupils’ reading fluency. (31:48 – End)

For quick and easy access to future episodes, search for ​‘Evidence into Action’ in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts and make sure you subscribe there.